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Custom hotkeys

You can enter the following command to set it up;

Click me to know where is HOTKEYS_PATH

Terminal window

Default superfile hotkeys

superfile default hotkeys design concept:

  • All hotkeys that will change to files use qctrl+key (As long as you don’t press ctrl your files will always be safe).
  • Non-control file classes use the first letters of words as hotkeys.
# =================================================================================================
# Global hotkeys (cannot conflict with other hotkeys)
confirm = ['enter', 'right', 'l']
quit = ['q', 'esc']
# movement
list_up = ['up', 'k']
list_down = ['down', 'j']
page_up = ['pgup','']
page_down = ['pgdown','']
# file panel control
create_new_file_panel = ['n', '']
close_file_panel = ['w', '']
next_file_panel = ['tab', 'L']
previous_file_panel = ['shift+left', 'H']
toggle_file_preview_panel = ['f', '']
open_sort_options_menu = ['o', '']
toggle_reverse_sort = ['R', '']
# change focus
focus_on_process_bar = ['p', '']
focus_on_sidebar = ['s', '']
focus_on_metadata = ['m', '']
# create file/directory and rename
file_panel_item_create = ['ctrl+n', '']
file_panel_item_rename = ['ctrl+r', '']
# file operations
copy_items = ['ctrl+c', '']
cut_items = ['ctrl+x', '']
paste_items = ['ctrl+v', '']
delete_items = ['ctrl+d', 'delete', '']
# compress and extract
extract_file = ['ctrl+e', '']
compress_file = ['ctrl+a', '']
# editor
open_file_with_editor = ['e', '']
open_current_directory_with_editor = ['E', '']
# other
pinned_directory = ['P', '']
toggle_dot_file = ['.', '']
change_panel_mode = ['v', '']
open_help_menu = ['?', '']
open_command_line = [':', '']
copy_path = ['ctrl+p', '']
copy_present_working_directory = ['c', '']
toggle_footer = ['F', '']
# =================================================================================================
# Typing hotkeys (can conflict with all hotkeys)
confirm_typing = ['enter', '']
cancel_typing = ['ctrl+c', 'esc']
# =================================================================================================
# Normal mode hotkeys (can conflict with other modes, cannot conflict with global hotkeys)
parent_directory = ['h', 'left', 'backspace']
search_bar = ['/', '']
# =================================================================================================
# Select mode hotkeys (can conflict with other modes, cannot conflict with global hotkeys)
file_panel_select_mode_items_select_down = ['shift+down', 'J']
file_panel_select_mode_items_select_up = ['shift+up', 'K']
file_panel_select_all_items = ['A', '']

Vim like superfile hotkeys

# This is maintain by
# I know this is not really that "vim", but the control flow is different.
# =================================================================================================
# Global hotkeys (cannot conflict with other hotkeys)
confirm = ['enter', '']
quit = ['ctrl+c', ''] # also know as, theprimeagen troller
# movement
list_up = ['k', '']
list_down = ['j', '']
page_up = ['pgup','']
page_down = ['pgdown','']
# file panel control
create_new_file_panel = ['n', '']
close_file_panel = ['q', '']
next_file_panel = ['tab', '']
previous_file_panel = ['shift+tab', '']
toggle_file_preview_panel = ['f', '']
open_sort_options_menu = ['o', '']
toggle_reverse_sort = ['R', '']
# change focus
focus_on_process_bar = ['ctrl+p', '']
focus_on_sidebar = ['ctrl+s', '']
focus_on_metadata = ['ctrl+m', '']
# create file/directory and rename
file_panel_item_create = ['a', '']
file_panel_item_rename = ['r', '']
# file operations
copy_items = ['y', '']
cut_items = ['x', '']
paste_items = ['p', '']
delete_items = ['d', '']
# compress and extract
extract_file = ['ctrl+e', '']
compress_file = ['ctrl+a', '']
# editor
open_file_with_editor = ['e', '']
open_current_directory_with_editor = ['E', '']
# other
pinned_directory = ['P', '']
toggle_dot_file = ['.', '']
change_panel_mode = ['m', '']
open_help_menu = ['?', '']
open_command_line = [':', '']
copy_path = ['Y', '']
copy_present_working_directory = ['c', '']
toggle_footer = ['ctrl+f', '']
# =================================================================================================
# Typing hotkeys (can conflict with all hotkeys)
confirm_typing = ['enter', '']
cancel_typing = ['esc', '']
# =================================================================================================
# Normal mode hotkeys (can conflict with other modes, cannot conflict with global hotkeys)
parent_directory = ['-', '']
search_bar = ['/', '']
# =================================================================================================
# Select mode hotkeys (can conflict with other modes, cannot conflict with global hotkeys)
file_panel_select_mode_items_select_down = ['J', '']
file_panel_select_mode_items_select_up = ['K', '']
file_panel_select_all_items = ['A', '']