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superfile config

You can edit your superfile config file with the following command:

Terminal window
$EDITOR config_path


  • theme

Click here for instructions to edit the theme.

  • editor

The editor your files/directories will be opened with (if blank, it will default to the EDITOR environment variable).

  • auto_check_update

true => Checks whether updates are needed when you exit superfile (only checks once a day).

false => No checks performed.

  • cd_on_quit

true => When you exit superfile, changes the terminal path to the last file panel you used.

false => When you exit superfile, the terminal path remains the same prior to superfile.

After setting to true, you need to update your .bashrc file.

Open the file:

Terminal window
$EDITOR ~/.bashrc

Copy the following code into the file:

spf() {
os=$(uname -s)
# Linux
if [[ "$os" == "Linux" ]]; then
export SPF_LAST_DIR="${XDG_STATE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/state}/superfile/lastdir"
# macOS
if [[ "$os" == "Darwin" ]]; then
export SPF_LAST_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/superfile/lastdir"
command spf "$@"
[ ! -f "$SPF_LAST_DIR" ] || {
rm -f -- "$SPF_LAST_DIR" > /dev/null

Save, exit, and reload your .bashrc file:

Terminal window
source ~/.bashrc
  • default_open_file_preview

true => Shows the file preview window when you run superfile.

false => Hides the file preview window when you run a superfile.

  • file_size_use_si

true => Displays the file/directory sizes using powers of 1000 (kB, MB, GB).

false => Displays the file/directory sizes using powers of 1024 (KiB, MiB, GiB).

  • default_directory

The default location every time superfile is opened. Supports ~ and .

  • default_sort_type

File panel sorting type. Directories will always be displayed at the top.

0 => Name

1 => Size

2 => Date Modified

  • sort_order_reversed

File panel sorting order.

false => Ascending (a-z)

true => Descending (z-a)

  • case_sensitive_sort

File panel sorting case sensitivity (if true, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters).

true => Case sensitive (“B” comes before “a”)

false => Case insensitive (“a” comes before “B”)


  • transparent_background

true => The background color is not rendered (transparent). This is useful if your terminal background is transparent.

false => The background is rendered (with color) to maintain theme consistency.

  • file_preview_width

This setting is an integer.

0 => The width of the file preview window is the same as the file panel.

X => The width of the file preview window is 1/X of the terminal width (minus the sidebar width). It is calculated as: (terminal width - sidebar width) / X

This setting is an integer.

0 => The sidebar will not display.

X => The width of the sidebar.

  • Border style

Here are a few suggested styles, of course you can change them to your own:

# ...
border_top = ""
border_bottom = ""
border_left = ""
border_right = ""
border_top_left = ""
border_top_right = ""
border_bottom_left = ""
border_bottom_right = ""
border_middle_left = ""
border_middle_right = ""
# ...
border_top = ""
border_bottom = ""
border_left = ""
border_right = ""
border_top_left = ""
border_top_right = ""
border_bottom_left = ""
border_bottom_right = ""
border_middle_left = ""
border_middle_right = ""

Default superfile config

# More details are at
# change your theme
theme = 'catppuccin'
# The editor files/directories will be opened with. (leave blank to use the EDITOR environment variable).
editor = ""
# Auto check for update
auto_check_update = true
# Cd on quit (For more details, please check out
cd_on_quit = false
# Whether to open file preview automatically every time superfile is opened.
default_open_file_preview = true
# The path of the first file panel when superfile is opened.
default_directory = "."
# Display file sizes using powers of 1000 (kB, MB, GB) instead of powers of 1024 (KiB, MiB, GiB).
file_size_use_si = false
# Default sort type (0: Name, 1: Size, 2: Date Modified).
default_sort_type = 0
# Default sort order (false: Ascending, true: Descending).
sort_order_reversed = false
# Case sensitive sort by name (upper "B" comes before lower "a" if true).
case_sensitive_sort = false
# ================ Style =================
# If you don't have or don't want Nerdfont installed you can turn this off
nerdfont = true
# Set transparent background or not (this only work when your terminal background is transparent)
transparent_background = false
# File preview width allow '0' (this mean same as file panel),'x' x must be from 2 to 10 (This means that the width of the file preview will be one xth of the total width.)
file_preview_width = 0
# The length of the sidebar. If you don't want to display the sidebar, you can input 0 directly. If you want to display the value, please place it in the range of 3-20.
sidebar_width = 20
# Border style
border_top = ''
border_bottom = ''
border_left = ''
border_right = ''
border_top_left = ''
border_top_right = ''
border_bottom_left = ''
border_bottom_right = ''
border_middle_left = ''
border_middle_right = ''
# ==========PLUGINS========== #
# Show more detailed metadata, please install exiftool before enabling this plugin!
metadata = false
# Enable MD5 checksum generation for files
enable_md5_checksum = false