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Hotkey list


FunctionKeyVariable name
Open superfilespf
Confirm your select or typingenter, rightconfirm_typing
Quit typing, modal or superfileesc, qquit
Cancel typingctrl+c, esccancel_typing
Open help menu(hotkeylist)?open_help_menu
Toggle footerFtoggle_footer

Panel navigation

FunctionKeyVariable name
Create new file panelncreate_new_file_panel
Close the focused file panelwclose_file_panel
Toggle file preview panelftoggle_file_preview_panel
Focus on the next file paneltab, L(shift+l)next_file_panel
Focus on the previous file panelshift+left, H(shift+h)previous_file_panel
Focus on the processbar panelpfocus_on_process_bar
Focus on the sidebarsfocus_on_side_bar
Focus on the metadata panelmfocus_on_metadata
Open command execution bar:open_command_line

Panel movement

FunctionKeyVariable name
Upup, klist_up
Downdown, jlist_down
Return to parent folderh, left, backspaceparent_folder
Toggle sort options menuoopen_sort_options_menu
Select all items in focused file panelA (shift+a)file_panel_select_all_item (selection mode only)
Select up with your courseshift+up, K (shift+k)file_panel_select_mode_item_select_up (selection mode only)
Select down with your courseshift+down, J (shift+j)file_panel_select_mode_item_select_down (selection mode only)
Toggle dot file display.toggle_dot_file
Toggle active search bar/search_bar
Change between selection mode or normal modevchange_panel_mode
Pin or Unpin folder to sidebar (can be auto saved)P (shift+p)pinned_folder

File operations

FunctionKeyVariable name
Create file or folder(/ ends with creating a folder)ctrl+nfile_panel_item_create
Rename file or folderctrl+rfile_panel_item_rename
Copy file or folder (or both)ctrl+ccopy_single_item (normal mode)
file_panel_select_mode_item_copy (select mode)
Cut file or folder (or both)ctrl+xfile_panel_select_mode_item_cut
Paste all items in your clipboardctrl+vpaste_item
Delete file or folder (or both)ctrl+d, deletedelete_item (normal mode)
file_panel_select_mode_item_delete (select mode)
Copy current file or directory pathctrl+pcopy_path
Extract zip filectrl+eextract_file (normal mode)
Zip file or folder to .zip filectrl+acompress_file (normal mode)
Open file with your default editoreoepn_file_with_editor (normal node)
Open current directory with default editorE (shift+e)current_directory_with_editor (normal node)